The Spiritual Warrior Coach Podcast
Welcome to The Spiritual Warrior Coach Podcast...I am your host Barbara Savin. I am here to help you reclaim your power, energy and your authentic self. I am a certified Clinical/Medical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and Teacher and Energy Healing Specialist, Life Coach, and best-selling author, of Gentle Energy Touch, the beginner’s guide to hands-on healing. Isn’t it time that you believe in yourself! Your mind is going to provide you with your greatest challenges in life because it is so powerful so let’s use it for positive thinking, creating harmony, balance, peace, love, happiness and anything else your heart desires because one day the world will tap you on your shoulder and say this is your time to shine.

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
# 92 Let's Explore Our Chakras
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
In today’s episode, we’ll explore the seven chakras, the energy centers located throughout our body, from the base of our spine to the crown of our head. These chakras are not just imaginary concepts but are believed to be vital to our physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
The word ‘chakra’ comes from Sanskrit and means ‘wheel’ or ‘disk’. Imagine these chakras as spinning wheels of energy, each a connection of spiritual power within the body. When our chakras are balanced and open, energy can flow freely throughout our body, leading to a sense of harmony and well-being.
But what happens when these chakras are blocked? How do these blockages affect our physical health, emotional equilibrium, and spiritual growth? And more importantly, how can we work with these energy centers to enhance our lives?
Throughout this episode, we will not only outline the basics of each chakra, their colors, and their functions but also explore into how you can identify and remedy imbalances within your chakras. I will also be offering powerful affirmations for each chakra, helping you to foster balance and unlock your potential. Whether you’re new to the concept of chakras or seeking to deepen your existing knowledge, this journey through the subtle energy of the body promises insights and techniques that can help elevate your daily life.
So, stay tuned, as we spin through each chakra, unlocking the secrets to a more vibrant, balanced, and spiritually connected life.

Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
# 91 Developing Your Intuition
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Tuesday Jun 25, 2024
Today's podcast is about trusting your intuition. It is like building any other relationship – it takes time and practice. Start with small decisions and notice how your intuition responds. The more you trust and act on it, the more confident you will become in your inner knowing. Visit my website for more information

Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
# 90 Spiritual Development
Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
Wednesday Jun 19, 2024
Welcome to this episode of The Spiritual Warrior Coach Podcast! I'm your host, Barbara Savin, and I am so excited to embark on this journey of spiritual growth and enlightenment with you. Whether you're just beginning to explore your spirituality or you're looking to deepen your practice, this podcast is here to offer you guidance, wisdom, and a sense of community weekly. Today, we're diving into the heart of spiritual development.Visit for more information about Barbara

Thursday May 23, 2024
# 89 Grounding Meditation Sit Back and Just Relax...
Thursday May 23, 2024
Thursday May 23, 2024
Please do not listen to this while driving a vehicle or operating machinery. This is a meditation..

Thursday May 23, 2024
# 88 How I Got into Energy Healing with Barbara Savin
Thursday May 23, 2024
Thursday May 23, 2024
Barbara Savin is a Certified Clinical and Medical Hypnotherapist, Certified Energy Healing Specialist, Certified Prana Psychotherapist Practitioner, Certified Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Guided Imagery Instructor, Certified Life Coach Consultant, Inspirational Speaker and published author of “Gentle Energy Touch – A Beginner's Guide to Hands-On Energy Healing" and "Identifying the Energy Drainers in Your Life" and host of The Spiritual Warrior Coach Podcast on YouTube, Spotify, Apple, Amazon, IHeartRadio and other avenues.Barbara has devoted her life and career to helping others heal. After the disaster in New York City on September 11, 2001, Barbara volunteered healing sessions for firefighters and other survivors of the World Trade Center tragedy.
In 2007, Barbara was hired as a consultant at California Health & Longevity Institute, located on-site at Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village, CA and held the position of Clinical Hypnotherapist and Energy Healing Specialist at CHLI. Barbara provided energy healing sessions, clinical and medical hypnosis for individuals, corporations, groups, celebrities, directors, producers, and guests of R4.0 of The Ranch at Live Oak/ Malibu and at Dr. Sharon Norling’s Mind Body Spirit Center in Westlake Village, California.Her grandma was a healer and was her first teacher! Barbara teaches energy healing, energy protection workshops, meditation and healing circles, gratitude and appreciation workshops and much more. She was born in Brooklyn, New York's Coney Island. Barbara currently lives in Southern California with her husband, children and grandchildren.
The Spiritual Warrior Coach Podcast

Monday Jan 22, 2024
# 87 Discovering the Essence of Being Grounded
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Monday Jan 22, 2024
Welcome to the spiritual warrior coach weekly podcast blog series; your guide to self-discovery and spiritual growth! This episode is proudly sponsored by, a remarkable CBD company offering incredible products for menopause, stress, sleep, focus, and much more
Our blog today is Discovering the Essence of Being Grounded.
Imagine a closet that is in total disarray. The shelves are filled with random things that lay in big piles and the floor is cluttered with stuff, when you open the door, you have no idea where anything is or where to look for something specific.
The above example is similar to being ungrounded or without a center. It is a state where you are lacking inner calm, you may feel disorganized, out of control and unable to connect with your needs and meet them.
When you are not grounded, your internal environment is very much in disarray, just like that closet. In our modern chaotic and very busy world, we may often feel like there are just too many things vying for our attention and so we may often feel like we are being pulled in many directions at the same time. Work, traffic, family, financial stress, health concerns, finding time to exercise, chores, social media updates beeping, checking our email a hundred times a day can all contribute to our “losing it.”
Being grounded means being centered, or balanced instead of imbalanced and turbulent.
During times of stress and is when being grounded can serve us the most, as we can remain firmly rooted within our self to promote balance and stability, no matter the chaos that may be occurring around us. This makes us better able to handle anything that comes our way. No matter what situations we face in life or where we go, we take ourselves with us. It is our “self” that can ultimately save us from the effects of the chaos around us and lead to a calmer internal environment that serves both our minds and bodies.
Think about it, does stressing out, going nuts or excessive worrying help any type of negative situation in your life? Not likely. They actually make it worse and likely will result in not being able to handle any of it. Adverse situations can result in us feeling anxious or unstable, robbing us of precious energy, but being grounded preserves that energy for better use.
When you are centered, you are better able to deal with adversity, and to maintain an optimal level of personal wellness and wellbeing.
Being grounded means maintaining our center. The human mind loves to wander as we become stuck in dwelling on the past and worrying about the future. When we are not in the present moment, we are not grounded, we are not centered, and we are distracted and unable to enjoy life with control, peace, and clarity. When we are present in the moment, in the here and the now, we can actually feel and truly experience the experience of the present. Each moment of life is precious and finding and maintaining our center allows us to be truly connected to our environment and all that happens in our lives.
Losing our center means drowning in negativity and distractions that not only prevent us from thriving in the moment, but also causes undue stress that comes from the mayhem. Here are the signs of being ungrounded.
Lack of focus and concentration
Anxiety and depression
Stressful situations causing you to “lose it”
Inability to complete tasks
Disorganization of the mind
Feeling scattered
Feeling unconnected to your life or the people in your life
Lack of joy and happiness
Difficulty with remembering small details
Unexplained anger or rage
Fumbling through the day without motivation or clarity
Feeling drained in spirit
Excessive worry, and fear about the future
Here are the benefits of being grounded:
Being grounded allows the body and mind to be in touch with everything that is going on inside of us and outside in the external world.
Being grounded provides a shield from the external chaos that so often leaves us feeling exhausted, despondent, unhappy, and unable to deal with life on life’s terms.
Being grounded allows us to listen, enjoy, and truly be present in each moment of the day.
Being grounded maintains focus, and clarity. It promotes the utmost level of health in mind, body, and spirit.
Being grounded and having a solid center means living a more joyful, calm, balanced, abundant, and content life.
We hope you enjoyed our blog for today. We want to express our gratitude for your presence, and commitment to grow and make our community thrive. Please tune in weekly for our blogs of enlightenment, and don’t forget to check out for products that align with your spiritual and wellness goals. And take a moment to check out their meditation page. They have beautiful guided meditations and music to help relax your mind, body and spirit. To experience a grounding meditation, visit their wellness through meditation page and listen to the sample of The Garden of Life. You can purchase the full version for just $5.99 so you have it all the time when you feel ungrounded.
Until next time, with love, light and healing, Barbara, the spiritual warrior coach

Thursday Jan 18, 2024
# 86 Ten Tips to Promote Health of Spirit
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Welcome to the spiritual warrior coach weekly podcast blog series; your guide to self-discovery and spiritual growth! This episode is proudly sponsored by, a remarkable CBD company offering incredible products for menopause, stress, sleep, focus, and much more
Today, we are excited to share 10 Tips to Promote Health of Spirit
Cultivating a healthy spirit involves nourishing your inner self, finding meaning within your life, and fostering a sense of overall mental and physical well-being. When you’re feeling well in your spirit, you feel a deep sense of happiness and satisfaction within that can drive and support you through all of life’s challenges. If you are struggling to feel spiritually healthy, consider these strategies for promoting it more in your daily life.
Practice expressing gratitude on a regular basis.
Be grateful for everything good in your life. Regularly expressing gratitude for the positive aspects of your life is an excellent way to promote an overall sense of happiness and positivity within yourself. This practice enhances your appreciation for what you have and contributes to a positive mindset because you are reminded of all the good that is there, even when other aspects of your life may be challenging.
Meditate on a regular basis.
Engage in regular meditation or mindfulness practices. These practices help calm the mind, reduce stress, and foster a deeper connection with your inner self.
Spend more time out in nature.
Human beings are animals of the Earth, so reconnect with your natural side! Spend time in nature to connect with the world around you. Whether it's a walk in the park, a hike, or simply sitting in a quiet garden, nature can have a seriously calming and rejuvenating effect on the spirit.
Cultivate more compassion in your life.
Life is difficult, and the world can be a challenging place to navigate – these are truths that resonate with every single human being. Because life can be so difficult, practice compassion towards yourself and others. Develop a kind and understanding attitude, and seek ways to contribute positively to the well-being of those around you rather than taking on a negative or blaming attitude. Choosing compassion will always lighten your spirit and encourage more positivity.
Be a more reflective person.
Set aside time for reflection and self-discovery on a regular basis. Spending time looking back on your experiences is a great way to explore and expand your spirit, which can really teach you a lot about yourself. Journaling, quiet contemplation, or other activities that encourage self-reflection can deepen your understanding of your values and purpose in life.
Build meaningful connections with the other people in your life.
Cultivate meaningful relationships with others by working hard to build strong bonds. Foster connections that support your spiritual well-being and provide a sense of belonging. Humans are social creatures, and working hard to cultivate positive and strong relationships by investing time and enjoying shared experiences together is spirit-strengthening.
Live your life in accordance with your personal values.
Determine what your unique set of values are and then use them as a foundation for your life. Align your actions with your core values. Living in accordance with your values contributes to a sense of authenticity and purpose; when you feel like you’re honoring your values, you feel better connected to yourself.
Seek inspiration from the world around you.
Explore sources of inspiration that really resonate with your personal spiritual beliefs. This could include reading spiritual texts, listening to uplifting music, or attending events that align with your values. The more time you spend involved in finding inspiration, the more motivated you’ll feel to continue forward in your own spiritual journey.
Practice mindful eating.
Food is one of the necessary requirements for life, and yet many people treat mealtime as a way to escape reality and “check out.” Rather than flying through meals while barely paying attention to what you’re eating, approach mealtime with mindfulness and gratitude. Pay attention to the flavors, textures, and sensations of eating, fostering a deeper connection with the nourishment your body receives.
Engage in creative expression.
Express yourself creatively. Whether through art, writing, music, or any other form of creative expression, engaging in activities that allow your spirit to express itself fosters a sense of fulfillment. Choose creative activities that speak to you and bring you joy – creating in a way you love is an excellent way to boost the overall health of your spiritual side.
We hope you enjoyed our blog for today. We want to express our gratitude for your presence, and commitment to grow and make our community thrive. Please tune in weekly for our blogs of enlightenment, and don’t forget to check out for products that align with your spiritual and wellness goals. And take a moment to check out their meditation page. They have beautiful guided meditations and music to help relax your mind, body and spirit.
With love, light and healing, Barbara, the spiritual warrior coach

Thursday Jan 18, 2024
# 85 How to be Smart when Making Your New Year's Resolution
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Thursday Jan 18, 2024
Welcome to the spiritual warrior coach weekly podcast blog series; your guide to self-discovery and spiritual growth! This episode is proudly sponsored by, a remarkable CBD company offering incredible products for menopause, stress, sleep, focus, and much more
Today, we are excited to share the wonderful benefits on “How to Be SMART When Making Your New Year’s Resolution”
Have you been wondering how you can be SMART when making your New Year’s resolution? Despite the fact that more New Year’s resolutions are broken each year than any other goal, we still look forward to opening that brand new calendar and imagining the possibilities that lie ahead for the New Year. If you plan on meeting the challenge of making a New Year’s resolution, you may as well ensure that you make SMART choices, right? SMART is an acronym for several different stages of the goal setting process. If you’re planning to make a New Year’s resolution, it’s important to become familiar with what each letter stands for so that you can develop achievable resolutions. The following represents SMART goals, broken down into an easy-to-understand manner:
The first step to creating a SMART New Year’s resolution is to be Specific. You can’t just say “I want to lose weight” – that’s a very general statement with no real meaning. Try saying “I want to lose ten pounds.” That’s more specific.
Whatever your specific goal is, write it down and post it where you will be reminded every day.
The next step is to make sure that the goal is Measurable. When we set goals, it’s important that we’re able to measure levels of our achievement. By measuring, we can keep track of our progress and feel more motivated to move toward our final goal.
Make a chart or keep a journal to track your successes and achievements. Seeing a visual guide will help motivate you, especially during tough days.
Set goals that you know you can achieve, or that are Attainable for you. If you set a goal of losing one hundred pounds, for example, this is not attainable for a short-term goal, and you’ll soon lose confidence. However, one pound a week is certainly an attainable goal.
If you have a very large goal, such as getting out of debt or losing a large amount of weight, break that large goal into much smaller goals or steps. Achieving a small goal every week will keep you determined to work harder and smarter.
The next aspect to the SMART New Year’s resolution system is that your goal must also be Realistic. For example, setting a goal to win the Lottery is not particularly realistic. It’s possible, but not probable. Also, it’s not something you have any control over.
For maximum success and continued motivation, choose goals that are something you can realistically expect to accomplish, even if you need to divide the final goal into smaller attainable steps.
The last aspect of the SMART system is Timely. When setting a New Year’s resolution, you’re much more likely to succeed if there’s a time frame associated with the resolution. You may give yourself a month, six months, or the whole year – the choice is yours. The most important thing is that you take the time to set an end date. Once you set a final deadline, work backwards and determine the deadlines of your smaller goals. Pacing yourself throughout the year is more beneficial and less stressful than saving all the work for the last month before your final deadline. Making New Year’s resolutions is very easy but those resolutions made without a clear plan in mind are prone to failure. It takes a little work to ensure that the resolutions you set are SMART. However, the SMART method can also ensure your success with an achievable plan! And that makes all the difference.
We want to express our gratitude for your presence, and commitment to grow and make our community thrive. Please tune in weekly for our blogs of enlightenment, and don’t forget to check out for products that align with your spiritual and wellness goals. And take a moment to check out their meditation page. They have beautiful guided meditations and music to help relax your mind, body and spirit.
With love, light and healing, Barbara, the spiritual warrior coach

Monday Nov 06, 2023
# 84 Learning to Validate Yourself
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Monday Nov 06, 2023
Thank you for listening today to the spiritual warrior coach podcast affirmation series. I am Barbara Savin your host. Today I will be offering you affirmations on Learning to Validate Yourself
Self-validation is an essential skill. Ultimately, as you move through your life and the world around you, you will hear many different voices. All these voices will have their own thoughts, ideas, and opinions to share. With so much information floating around, it can be difficult to separate how you feel and what you think among all the chaos.
When you can validate yourself, you can identify and center yourself in the world around you. If you struggle to feel self-validation, please recite the following affirmations by putting your hands on your heart and saying silently or out loud with emotion and belief.
My validation comes from within.
I do not need others to validate me to achieve my dreams.
My hopes and dreams are valid.
I work towards my goals each and every day.
I can become anything I desire to become.
The opinions of others have no effect on my opinions.
I observe and correctly identify my feelings and thoughts.
I validate my own emotions.
I accept emotions as they arise and work through them.
I am proud of myself.
Life is hard, but I’ve got this.
It is okay for me to feel sad or lost.
I set boundaries for myself and my needs based on my internal experiences.
All of my feelings are normal.
I accurately reflect and acknowledge my internal state.
My self-worth is not based on how others feel about me.
I trust myself completely.
I am unique. My unique experiences make me special.
I am free to be me and so I shall be.
Thank you for listening to the spiritual warrior coach affirmation series and have a beautiful week filled with love and light, love Barbara
The Spiritual Warrior Coach Podcast, MotivateYourLife.Net,

Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Clear Your Energy with Barbara Savin Interview on The Custom Made Podcast
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
Tuesday Oct 31, 2023
for full version of the meditation go to and visit the meditation page
The Spiritual Warrior Coach Podcast