The Spiritual Warrior Coach Podcast
Welcome to The Spiritual Warrior Coach Podcast...I am your host Barbara Savin. I am here to help you reclaim your power, energy and your authentic self. I am a certified Clinical/Medical Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and Teacher and Energy Healing Specialist, Life Coach, and best-selling author, of Gentle Energy Touch, the beginner’s guide to hands-on healing. Isn’t it time that you believe in yourself! Your mind is going to provide you with your greatest challenges in life because it is so powerful so let’s use it for positive thinking, creating harmony, balance, peace, love, happiness and anything else your heart desires because one day the world will tap you on your shoulder and say this is your time to shine.

Sunday Jul 31, 2022
# 60 Give My Child A Voice with Cindy Simpson
Sunday Jul 31, 2022
Sunday Jul 31, 2022
Cindy Simpson has 47 years experience in the addiction treatment field and has developed a number of programs for people in recovery. Cindy hase been doing Inner Child workshops for the past 20+ years and has developed a program to guide women and men through a safe, gentle process during a two-day workshop, using guided imagery and processing, to find their inner child so they can reconnect with the feelings, memories, hopes and dreams they lost through active addiction or trauma so they can have the relationships they want and live the happy, healthy lives they are meant to live.Cindy has a Ph.D., MSW, SUDCC-IV and is a Clinical Supervisor so she has a broad scope and have worked in all areas of addiction. For more information about Cindy's work visit: Website

Sunday Jul 17, 2022
# 59 Communicate with your Pets with Rommie Buhler
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
Sunday Jul 17, 2022
ROMMIE BUHLER - The Holistic Animal Health Coach
Rommie is passionate about animal welfare and is driven to change the perceptions around how we can communicate with them so they can be more consciously looked after. Most people that have animals in their care, while very connected to them, are only seeing part of their health and wellbeing picture. Mostly through what they observe, what they think and the things they may already know, but when you communicate from a higher perspective and you have a conversation with them, you are able to see the whole picture. That means, you are able to support them in a way “they” need, not in a way we think they need as you see the truth behind behaviours, psychological and physical problems.
She works globally, but lives on the east coast of Australia as an Animal Communicator, Missing Animals Investigator, Medical Intuitive and Animal Energy Healer.
Rommie also runs online and in person courses in Animal Communication, Missing Animals Investigation and Intuitive Development. She is also the TV Show Host of the web TV show, the ANIMALS’ TELEVISION show. A show designed to be educational, inspiring and entertaining to help the welfare of all animals domestic and wild. The Executive Producer of one of Australia’s premier FM Breakfast Radio stations has described her as “too normal”. She’s pragmatic, no nonsense and logical and has been told many times, “you don’t look like an intuitive”. She takes that as a compliment! Challenging the stigma associated with that innate ability we are born with--Intuition, is a constant part of Rommie's conversation.
Rommie has been trained with some of the top psychic mediums, controlled remote viewers and intuitive detectives around: Tony Stockwell, Pam Coronado, James Van Praagh and Amanda De Warren.
For more information about her work visit: Website:

Saturday Jul 09, 2022
# 58 Conversations with Spirit Babies with Dr. Maria Rothenburger
Saturday Jul 09, 2022
Saturday Jul 09, 2022
Maria T Rothenburger, PhD is a professional counselor, fertility coach, and spirit baby communicator who helps people go from overwhelmed, and obsessed with fertility to peaceful, hopeful, and connected to their greater purpose.
She is the author of the #1 bestselling ook, Transcending Infertility: 9 Keys for Improving Fertility, Creating Miracles, and Being a Better Human.
She is the host of the Miracles Happen Fertility Podcast. She has been a therapist for 16 years and "came out" in 2020 as a psychic medium, specializing in spirit baby communication to connect parents to their babies on the other side before birth and/or after loss.
For more information visit her website:
Facebook URL:
Twitter URL:
YouTube URL:

Friday Jul 01, 2022
# 57 Misfit in Hell to Heaven with MK McDaniel
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Placed on a ventilator for lung failure caused by a virulent flu in 1999, First-Time Author M.K. McDaniel fought for her life in a drug-induced coma for three weeks. During this time, she found herself in an inexplicably dangerous, foreign realm. Misfit In Hell To Heaven Expat is a memoir of M. K.’s tumultuous life before, during, and after her Dark Near-Death Experience.
The effects of the NDE caused to her to question her understanding of everything she thought to be factual and irrefutable. As a disappointed Heaven Expat, M.K. continued to struggle to find her place and purpose during the remainder of her Earthly life. During her lengthy recovery, as M.K. reflected on the purpose of her experiences in the Afterlife, she recalled the tribulations of her family ancestors and their courage to survive. If they could overcome their overwhelming obstacles, then so could she. As memories of former earthly hellish traumas surfaced and seemed to parallel her actual Hell experiences, M.K. sought out others with the same story.
She eventually found solace, hope, and understanding at International Association of Near-Death Studies meetings in Seattle. Uplifting, humorous, chilling, and engrossing, Misfit In Hell To Heaven Expat takes the reader by the hand to safely explore our human and otherworldly selves. Its gentle message will help the reader find their way along the bumpy, earthly road to eternity. Put Misfit in Hell to Heaven Expat on your "books to read" list!
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Friday Jun 24, 2022
# 56 Gambling Addiction and Mental Health Expert Patrick Chester
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Patrick Chester, 50 years old, husband and father of two boys. Currently living in Bothell, WA. He spent 15 years as a sports gambler, 2001-2015. It began innocently enough, but then progressed to the point where he was committing crimes to feed his addiction. Gambling addiction is hard to recognize, and he was able to keep it hidden for many years, lying to his wife and family daily. It all came crashing down in early 2015, him in jail and his family left devastated.
For the past seven years, Patrick focused on his recovery, rebuilding his marriage, and now speaks regularly with college students and addicts about this awful disease. Patrick just finished writing a book and continue to push for more education and awareness when it comes to gambling.
To contract Patrick please visit: Website: Website #2: Twitter URL:

Friday Jun 17, 2022
# 55 Resources for Special Needs Children with Patrice Badami
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Patrice Badami is a special education teacher and mother of three. She has advocated for families with children who have special needs to ensure that they receive special education services that they require in for them to be appropriately facilitated at their home school district. Patrice created a website to help students as they navigate their way back into the in person educational settings. The website is entitled and it offers free academic and recreational support for children and families.

Monday Jun 13, 2022
# 54 Time to Live your life Authentically with Travia Steward
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Monday Jun 13, 2022
Travia Steward is a Coach and speaker who works with people who are tired of settling for the status quo. She helps them uncover the dreams that they’ve put on the back burner, dream even bigger, and then create exponential results in their life. She does this by helping them become the person they were meant to be to live the life they were created to live.
Realizing that she was no longer challenged in her theatre position and living inauthentically, Travia knew it was time to make a change which is when she got certified as a Life Coach. After helping actors create and shift identities on stage for 24 years, Travia took that expertise to real life to help her clients create and become the person they need to be in order to get what they want in life. She loves to help them unleash the limits that years of conditioning have placed on them. So many times, we settle for being the people we were molded to be instead of being the person we were meant to be. She loves helping people strip away these layers just as she stripped away her layers through a Breast Cancer battle in 2020.
Witnessing the growth and evolution of a client taking flight and experiencing this reinvention, this rebirth, is what makes this work so impactful and profound for Travia.
She is also the host of the Breakthrough Podcast, where she focuses on stories of people who one day decided that enough was enough, to take a stand for themselves, their health, and relationships and had a breakthrough that changed the trajectory of their life.
For more information about Travia go to:
LinkedIn URL
Facebook URL
YouTube URL

Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
# 53 John Moyer YouTube Creator of Hypnosis with over 250,000 Subscribers
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
John Moyer is a professional hypnotist and YouTube creator of hypnosis and meditation content for his over 250 thousand subscribers. His journey began as a produced screenwriter of several independent films, and spending 25 years as a professional stand up comedian. Feeling his life had hit a wall, especially personally, with a divorce, being a single dad, stuck in a loop of bad relationships and struggling financially, john realized something needed to change. That something wasn’t just his outside world, john knew it was everything inside of him. That’s when he discovered the power and ability of the mind, through meditation and hypnosis. John dedicates himself full time to his YouTube channel, sharing what he’s so passionate about to benefit as many people as possible.
For more information about John's YouTube channel:

Tuesday May 31, 2022
# 52 Healing Wounds from Sexual Abuse, Abandonment and Trauma with Fatima Oliver
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Fatima Oliver inspirational Speaker/Coach, and author of the book "The Prescription is in the Dirt". At an early age, she became convinced pain and family was identical. Living with the trauma from physical and sexual abuse, the loss of a child, abandonment issues and horrible decision making, helped Fatima develop a long and complicated relationship with anxiety and depression. It took over thirty years before finding the courage to change her life. The journey to finding herself and accepting who God created her to be, birthed key action steps that have helped other’s mature in their soul healing journey. For more information about Fatima and her work visit:

Tuesday May 17, 2022
# 51 A Mother’s Journey through her Sons Addiction & Suicide Barbara Legere
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Author and advocate, Barbara Legere, has dedicated her life to fighting stigma against mental illness, substance abuse, and suicide. As well as talking about grieving after losing a child, she writes about chemical dependency, depression, and anxiety.
As a single mother to my son, Keven, I journeyed alongside him through his addiction and mental health issues. Ultimately, his suicide led me to begin writing a memoir about what I've learned and am learning through my loss. I write from the heart in hopes that my story will help others. Visit Barbara at for more information about her book "Keven's Choice, A Mother's Journey through her Son's Mental Illness, Addiction and Suicide.